Kapiti, New Zealand
0274 252 494

Project Type: Public Spaces

Retirement Village

This development was created for the 55 years and over market – small homes on small sections was a basic requirement stated by the developers. However the repetitive design of the house floor plans were altered to ensure sun and light to the living areas and an attractive small courtyard and garden area for every…
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Korohiwa Bay, Eastbourne

This project was a design competition for Korohiwa bay, Eastbourne. Our scheme involved a medium density housing development on the inland side of the road. This enabled extensive landscape and beach improvements on the housing zone. The theme of a compact beach village tucked into the hillside and sea cliffs was developed by John Mills…
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Blue Bay, Mahia

This development, the landscape component of which was completed in 2006, was sited on a retired camping ground and pine forest block. The concept involved the removal of the pines and restoration of the original dune landscape. Houses will be nestled into natural dune and vegetation on the foreshore properties and within more lush, coastal…
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Sefton School

This small but extraordinary school, inspired by a wonderfully enthusiastic band of teachers, parents and students, wanted to embrace the  broader concept of  the ?outdoor classroom?. The brief was to include everything from an outdoor ?room? for classes to a small paddock for pet lambs and even chickens! Vege gardens, a large orchard, worm farm…
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Boulcott School

The concept of ?Enviroschools? was the driving force behind the design of the school grounds here. The Enviroschool programme ? encouraging students to become involved in the development of the school environment and embrace the concepts of recycling, sustainability and ecological principles ? had been adopted by the school and they wanted the entire design…
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Taita Natural Burial Cemetery

I was asked by the Hutt City Council to come up with a concept idea for the Taita Cemetery in response to increasing demand and interest in natural burials. A site was found – a scrub and regenerating Manuka covered hill on the edge of the cemetery surrounded on 3 sides with regenerating native bush. The…
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Rudolf Steiner School

This school has a rather barren expanse of asphalt for playing courts which dominates the main playground area and creates a fairly inhospitable entrance to the school. There is also a lack of variety in the spaces available for different activities and creative play, and a lack of shade for the students. The design maintains the…
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Te Maire Park, Shannon

Shannon used to be a pretty forgettable little town – hard to believe now as the place has become such a delightful place, developing a country village atmosphere all it’s own. The first step in this process was turning the windswept and inhospitable road reserve along the western side of the “main drag” into a park. Whilst the…
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Shannon War Memorial Gardens

Shannon always had a few war memorials – but they were either surrounded in asphalt at  the bus turnaround area or scattered around the Railway Station area, some almost completely hidden by trees. The decision was made to relocate the smaller memorials to one area around the main Cenotaph and develop the Shannon War Memorial Gardens.  This area…
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Avenue Cemetery, Levin

Most cemeteries are pretty sad looking places – and this one was no exception. As each burial plot was filled, so the monotonous rows spread across the empty paddocks… Finally the Horowhenua Parks Dept thought enough was enough. The surroundings of this cemetery have huge potential for creating a beautiful environment for contemplation, spiritual renewal, grieving etc.…
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