Otaki Rural Paradise Garden

So this, for the record, is my personal version of a paradise garden!
I have been fascinated by the paradise gardens of Persia, Morocco and other far-flung places, for ever – I love the concept of living outside but within a protected, enclosed area. In rural New Zealand though the fully enclosed garden seems a little unnecessary. I have seen shearers quarters which have a similar feel – and it is this that inspired my house and garden. It is based on the typical “shearers quarters” layout with separate buildings for separate uses linked with verandahs and a central outdoor living space. I designed and sketched up this house and garden before I even bought the property and it has not changed much in the translation although Simone Van der Plas of Encompass Designs made some important changes in the detail design phase.
My love of horses also inspired me to bring my horses into my space as much as possible – the water trough at the garden edge, minimal garden around the house which they can lean over for apples (but don’t want to eat!), and a carrot-feeding window opening straight into their paddock are some of the elements I have used. Visitors often say the house feels like a safari lodge as the horses stroll past the dining room window! All part of the plan.
The general character of the house and the materials used were thanks to several people – Firstly myself for having a clear vision and sticking to it! But – vitally – I plundered the treasure trove which is Scaiffe Timber in Maungaroa Valley, Upper Hutt ( www.scaifetimber.co.nz) AND I had the great good fortune to discover and enjoy the huge talent of Tom Beauchamp of Natural Build Otaki ( www.naturalbuildotaki.co.nz) who took my ideas, developed the concept, pushed me a little and built me my sweet and lovely farmhouse! Thank you Tom😊
The stone retaining wall I built myself and it is a drystone construction – reasonably uncommon as a retaining wall but it is working well.
Plants are designed to sit reasonably quietly as a foreground to the paddock scene… and to be as un-appetising as possible for the horses! Salvias, Lavenders, Rosemary, Mexican Orange Blossom and Buddleia have proved their worth here.
The courtyard I laid with broken pavers with a full paver and riverstone edge – a labour of love surpassed only by the wall!
The post and rail fence I also built myself from eucalyptus poles I cut from trees on the property. It’s just the look I wanted although it has got me some ribbing from my fencer!
I mention the DIY aspect of this landscape to encourage clients who are short on cash but keen to get their hands dirty – magic can happen when you do it yourself. I learned this early in my career from my parents and my more resourceful clients have proven it again and again.